New blog on creation and evolution

This post is more than 7 years old.

Posted at 07:00 on 11 July 2017

In the past few months I've written a couple of posts here on my blog about my forays into the creation and evolution debate. However, since I'd rather keep this blog focused on subjects related to my professional work with software development, DevOps, and this Parliament-as-a-service startup that I'm working at, I've started up a separate blog to act as a brain dump for everything that I've learned about the subject over the past couple of years.

At the moment I've got it set to publish a new post every Monday every week through until September.

In case you hadn't already figured out, my position on the matter is 100% evangelical Christian but also 100% old-earth. I'm sorry folks, but the earth simply isn't six thousand years old, it's as simple as that. The Bible does not require it, and the evidence does not support it and can not be re-interpreted to support it without descending into absurdity or dishonesty or both.

I'm generally tending to focus more on the physical sciences side of the debate — dating methods, geochronology, astronomy, and so on. Not being a biologist, I don't tend to have much to say about evolution itself. Not unless you're making claims about it that are blatantly clueless, such as that it's "only a theory," or that it contradicts the Second Law of Thermodynamics, or that mutations can't produce new information, or that there are no transitional fossils, or silly straw man arguments about cats not turning into dogs. All I ask is that you make sure that you know what you are talking about, and that your facts are straight.