You probably only need a t2.nano instance for that

This post is more than 7 years old.

Posted at 07:00 on 11 May 2017

For those of you not familiar with AWS, t2.nano is the smallest size of EC2 instance (virtual servers that you can spin up and tear down at will) that they sell. It gives you one vCPU and 512MB of memory, and it costs just $0.0063 per hour, which, at current exchange rates with VAT added on top, works out at about £4.20 a month.

Its main limitation is CPU time. While it allows you to utilise 100% of the CPU for short periods of time, it limits you to 5% on average over 24 hours by a system of CPU credits. You get enough CPU credits for a maximum of 72 minutes of CPU time a day, and if you run out of credits, your CPU time is throttled to 5%. This means that you can't use it for CPU-intensive tasks such as trying to compare human and chimp DNA, but even so, there are still plenty of things that you can use it for nonetheless. Here are some examples:

1. Bastion servers. A bastion is a server that acts as a single point of access for certain services such as SSH or remote desktop, to reduce your network's attack surface area. If you're doing things right, with immutable servers, you should only occasionally need to ssh into your servers, if at all. Or, in other words, if a t2.nano instance is too small for your bastion requirements, you're Doing It Wrong.

2. A cheap-and-cheerful alternative to a NAT gateway. For the cost-conscious, the price of a NAT gateway — needed to let you connect to the Internet from any of your servers that doesn't have its own public IP address — can come as a shock. $0.048/hour works out at $420/year — a lot of money if all you're doing with it is downloading software updates every once in a while. But it's fairly easy to configure an Ubuntu instance as an alternative — and a t2.nano instance works out at a seventh of the price.

3. A source control, CI server or wiki for small teams. A t2.nano instance should easily be sufficient to act as a Gitea or Jenkins server for a Scrum team of about 5-10 people, possibly more. Note however that Go.CD and GitLab both require 1GB of memory, so those options will require larger instance sizes.

4. Low-traffic blogs, personal portfolio websites and the like. A t2.nano instance can handle hundreds of monthly visitors to your average personal website. Additionally, by putting it behind a CDN such as CloudFront or CloudFlare, you can get even more bang for your buck out of it and possibly scale into the thousands or beyond.

There may well be other cases where a t2.nano instance works fine. You should take a look at your metrics, and if your CPU usage on your larger instance is constantly low, you may well benefit from trying the smaller size. One point to note is that the t2.nano instance is not eligible for AWS's free tier; only the t2.micro instance is available free of charge. However, if your free tier allowance has expired, or if you have maxed it out, do consider the t2.nano as a viable option. You can probably do a lot more with it than you think.