Time for a new job

This post is more than 16 years old.

Posted at 15:00 on 22 December 2008

It's now just under three years since I started working for EurekaStep Ltd, and it's been a pretty good time. EurekaStep is a small but friendly company and a great place to work, and you get to serve some very interesting clients with some very interesting technology.

However, the time has now come for me to move on, and so in the middle of January I will be taking up full time employment in the Houses of Parliament.

My job title will be Analyst Programmer and my responsibilities will be to take what goes on in the Commons Chamber, the various Select Committees, and so on, turn it into XML, mash it about a bit with copious quantities of XSLT, and spit out web pages and Word documents that then get sent on to news agencies around the world.

This isn't actually entirely new to me. I've spent the past three and a half months in Parliament already on placement from EurekaStep, doing pretty much that anyway. This was intended to be a stop-gap for them while they recruited some new developers, but I ended up applying for one of the jobs myself, and to cut a long story short, I got it. It's quite an exciting change nonetheless, since I'm working on-site in a team of about ten or so developers, plus a whole raft of project managers, Enterprise Architects, web designers, producers and other key stakeholders. Up until three years ago, I was the only developer on the projects I worked on, and over the past three years, most of the other developers that I've had to work with have been based off-site. That works up to a point, but you can get so much more out of the real-time collaboration that comes from being in the same room, bouncing ideas off your fellow developers, and so on.