Trying out Python and Django

This post is more than 16 years old.

Posted at 23:48 on 29 June 2008

I've been fiddling with Django a bit in my spare time recently, with a view to possibly using it for some side projects. It's the Python web application framework, similar in many respects to Ruby on Rails but with a distinctive flavour of its own.

It looks fairly promising. I particularly like its built in administration interface -- it's better than Rails's scaffolding, giving you an integrated interface to pretty much all the models that are mapped to the database straight out of the box. It also seems more flexible than Rails -- there are a few decisions that it leaves up to you, such as which JavaScript framework to use, or how exactly to structure your application.

I first started learning Python about three years ago when I used it to write some maintenance scripts for the Kingdom Faith podcasts, and since then I've used it for various random odds and ends (our daily build script is written in Python for instance) but nothing majorly extensive. As far as scripting languages go it has a lot to offer -- it is relatively fast, has pretty good Unicode support, and fully supports procedural, object oriented, aspect oriented and functional programming paradigms, though it could do with better support for multi-statement lambdas like in JavaScript, Ruby and C#. I also like the way it forces you to write code that is clean and easy to read and follow, by making indentation syntactically significant and by making package and module names follow filesystem names. It is also fairly well documented, though the index in the .chm help file on Windows is a bit quirky at times.

Another good thing about Python is that it is very much an all-rounder: like .net or Java, you can write web applications, console applications, services, GUI applications, maintenance scripts or whatever else takes your fancy with it. This is in contrast to PHP and Ruby, which tend to be dominated to a much greater extent by web development, though they are capable of being used for other things. Python also has fairly mature support in the .net ecosystem -- IronPython is the most mature of the DLR languages, so integrating Django with .net framework code is a real possibility. It also seems to have a much smarter contingent of users on average than either .net, Java or PHP. I think this is because it is only infrequently the first programming language that people learn, and most Python developers already have quite a bit of experience with two or even three other languages.