Easy login recovery without compromising security

This post is more than 16 years old.

Posted at 13:00 on 10 June 2008

I've noticed recently that some websites have a very elegant solution to the problem of login recovery. If you forget your password, rather than sending you an e-mail with either your existing password or a new one, they send you a link that you can click on, which takes you straight to a page that logs you in automatically and allows you to choose a new password.

This works particularly well because it fixes the problems of both the "password reset" and "password reminder" approaches. Password reminders are bad because they require you to store the users' passwords in plain text in the database, but password resets are also bad because they are completely user-unfriendly.

Not long ago we deployed a website for a client that used the ASP.NET membership provider for authentication and generating passwords. Unfortunately, we had to change it, because the ASP.NET membership provider generates seriously ugly passwords that look like "aFi$#3-Il1=+2x{zZ14^" or something, prompting at least one user to send in an e-mail that said this:

I tried starting again from scratch and this time I was assigned a 21-character (!) password - the sort of thing you would expect to use if you were trying to get into Fort Knox ... I find your site definitely "user-unfriendly". What can I do?

This is why some teams settle for password reminders, even though they may be aware of the security risks. It's also one thing that I dislike about the ASP.NET membership provider.

The login link approach gives you the best of both worlds and offers additional advantages on top of each. It bypasses both the login page and the process of navigating to the page that lets you change your password (which many users find confusing), making it much more user friendly than either. Certainly you won't be asking your users to faff about copying and pasting "aFi$#3-Il1=+2x{zZ14^" from their e-mail client to the login page. Furthermore, because your password is not reset until you actually change it, your old one will continue to work if you manage to dig it out in the meantime. And from a security point of view, you can still store passwords as a salted hash in the database.